As a fan of Rosen Trevithick‘s work, it’s unlikely I was going to miss out on this book. But I must admit that I had some reservations. Knowing this novel was Rosen’s response to Fifty Shades of Grey, which I was thoroughly sick of hearing about, gave me doubts. I suspected I might not enjoy it as much as the others.
So it was a great joy to discover that Two Shades of the Lilac Sunset works beautifully as a standalone story with its own strong identity. This isn’t a parody, or a commentary, or a satire of anything. It’s a powerful novel that looks at issues of trust and abuse alongside a character-based thriller storyline.
The ingenuity of the story is its portrayal of two developing relationships in parallel. Half-sisters Demi and Willow both get a new man in their lives at the same time. But whereas Demi and Ross are well matched (albeit not without some ups and downs), Willow finds herself physically and emotionally trapped by the domineering Nat who has no respect for her tastes, boundaries or privacy.
Characterisation is one of the book’s strengths. Demi and Ross are a fun couple whose cheerful experimentation with BDSM may well make some readers wonder what they’re missing! Whereas with Willow, those who cannot understand why some people allow themselves to be abused will realise just how easy it is to fall under another’s spell.
For those who dislike reading sex scenes – myself included – I have never seen them handled as well as they are here. The writing throughout is elegantly straightforward but evocative, and the refreshing lack of euphemism means the story zips along without having to pause and think up ridiculous terminology for two people having sex. This is not erotica, but direct storytelling that doesn’t shy away from the sexual dimension of relationships, whether exciting or horrific.
This novel doesn’t deserve to stand in any other book’s feeble shadow. Two Shades of the Lilac Sunset is a gripping thriller as well as a believable exploration of the black and white sides of domination.
Two Shades of the Lilac Sunset is available for the Kindle on Amazon UK or Amazon US.