For a really shocking and memorable view of the future, Revolver by Michael Patrick Hicks is a winner.
I previously reviewed this story as part of the No Way Home SF anthology, which has a number of great science fiction tales by many talented authors. I am pleased to find part of my original review quoted right there on Revolver’s excellent front cover!
My full review said: “Revolver by Michael Patrick Hicks, takes the ‘shocking’ gold medal. A classic example of social science fiction, this portrays a nightmarish future America with clear roots in the present day. Ironically this story is the furthest away from the ‘stranded’ theme and yet I found it the most gripping.”
This is now on sale as a separate release for only 99p and well worth a read.
Find out more about Revolver from Michael’s blog.
Revolver is available for the Kindle on Amazon UK or Amazon US.